

Finally I've finished the assignment which is due tomorrow. I've spent a lot of time researching and reading materials, I hope I can get a better grade in my assignment....emoticon

Last night I've received a long-distance call from my brother. He is so sad, as his laptop computer is out of order. He is now in China, and it is not possible for him to have access to another computer. He has lost the files he has worked with, luckily he has backed up most of them. I'd such experience when I worked in Big 4 too. Computer is so unreliable!!!emoticon It is advisable to save and back up files whenever you have finished working with sth....

Tonight cyber law's lecture is an interesting one. Most of the time we have focused on the One-in-Million case where someone registered famous companies' domain names and hoped that they would buy back their domains. In this case, the famous companies won. The court asked the defendant to transfer back the domain name to those famous companies as the act was a passing-off infringement. Tonight I've learned a wonderful term called "Metatagging"! When you have input some words in your web site which are mostly searched by people, your web site will be ranked in the top of the search list. In a case in US, the defendant used the same method and included in its web site name of the plaintiff so as to increase the chance for people searching his web site. The court in US granted a preliminary injuntion on the ground that metatags were likely to lead users to believe that the defendant's web site was the web site of the plaintiff. However the case might not be followed in Hong Kong as it was decided differently in another UK case where the court held that the megatag was invisible to humans (it was machine readable only), so it did not constitute passing off or infringement.

Have you noticed the hit rate of my site recently? Many people are coming to search articles about "FFXII" . No doubt, it is a kind of "Metatagging"....emoticon

Anyway I've learnt a lot tonight.....emoticon
