
Copyright Law is a joke??

Today I've been to HKICS for registering exam in this forthcoming June. I decide to take HK Corporate Law and Corporate Admin as I've learnt them in my LLB class. Corporate Admin is a new subject. It mainly consists of problems in data privacy (which is a hot topic recently about leaking of personal data of complaintants against the police) and also stuffs about human resources and intellectual property. I've leartn data privacy and IP in LLB too, so I may not find much difficulties in the exam. This is also one of the reasons why I choose these two subjects. emoticon

The Cyber Law's class of today is an interesting one, which focues mainly on Chan Nai Ming Case and issues about domain names. A trade mark owner does not necessarily the owner of its domain name. If someone uses its name on the web, he can sue the infringer on the ground of "passing off". We've discussed "One-in-Million Case", a leading case about domain name and its limit of application. The case was decided on the basis that the defendant was blocking the registration of the true owner of the domain name. The judge claimed that the defendant used the registration as an instrument to fraud. It is a very serious allegation!! A famous company, like Marks & Spencer, should can easily rely on this case. Buf for less famous company, it is hard to prove "passing off" as its reputation is not well-known to the public. Honestly I don't like judgments and cases in IP law. Most of them are tilted towards the interest of wealthy and powerful corporate monster. Interest of the public is not well-protected. In view of the development of technology, the law should do more to protect the right of user before protecting the right of copyright owners. May be ask them to do more efforts before asking the court to protect e.g. in music industry, they should offer MP3 first before they can seek copyright protection on its music. MP3 is so popular now and if the music industry doesn't provide his mean to its customers, it will force them to download from web. That's a joke to make CD impossible to be converted to MP3. They are running backward instead of facing the challenge of the technology!!!emoticon

When I go back home, I have my dinner at about 11pm. After that I've seen a meaningful TV programme on TVB which is about dogs. I really want to bring Toffee to swim when summer comes, but I'm dubious whether Toffee can really swim or not. If he doesn't know to swim, I may need to learn how to rescue him and be his life rescuer. The cafe in the programme is very beautiful, well-decorated. It offers varities of food for dogs. I'd bought Toffee a dog dog muffin for him. He loved it so much, but the muffin was too large for him to consume.emoticon
