

很busy...sorry to use English again...really no time to type it in Chinese..

need to read a cosultation paper about hearsay before start writing assignment....the consultation paper is a thick one, about 200 pages...as long as I have finished read through them, I can become an expert in evidence...that's why evidence will be cut short next year from a full-yr course to half-yr course as most laws related to hearsay will be codified...the court will have much more discretion in deciding to admit a piece of hearsay evidence...

I'm so tired this afternoon...it is hard to concentrate in a small class without enough air...it makes me feel sick and sleepy...What the lecture talking today is about charges, mortgages and pledges...still don't have time to prepare..need to catch up a lot of stuffs after finish my assignments on Evidence and Cyber Law...I hope by the time of Easter holiday I'm able to catch up all the stuffs behind...
