

HKICPA rebranding spoof http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoEe7k965zg Skit 1: [ Stone, paper scissors x3 ] Eurasian girl: My dad's got a Porsche Chinese girl: My dad's got a Ferrari Eurasian girl: My dad's got a speedboat Chinese girl: My dad's got a yacht Eurasian girl: My dad's got a MPA (MBA) Chinese girl: My dad's got a C-PA [ Eurasian girl runs off ] Voiceover: You can't beat a CPA. Skit 2: Host: So what we've got today for you darling is a bit of the old classic savory business pie and midantras (s.p.) that mummy's didn't like but I thought it was perfect thought it was great. So we've got some red peppers chopped up here and so kibascos (s.p.) (I really need to improve my kitchen vocabulary) and er¡­few olives and vinegar and a few squiggly bits and stuff like that. Now, what I like to start with is you need some green things like this to chuck in there and just bung them in there. You can use blue ones (blue what?), but I find it they just don't taste as nice. First you just chuck those in. Now you need a few of these Greek croutons which you know¡­[eats one]¡­really really nice. Now bung in loads of those¡­and em, bit of the old, sort of like salami and stuff and sort of mix all that in there. And then, err, the all important ingredient, bit of HKICPA. Now that's the success ingredient and I reckon that, em, be very very sort of liberal with that, chuck a load of it in, just bung loads in, that's all right darling, don't worry, yeah. And em, and so then you give it a bit of a good old whirl, like that, bit of a whirl, and err [licks his finger], yeah, I mean, classic savory, err, business pie. You stick it in the oven, and it beats cooking the books, dun it eh? Voiceover: CPA - the success ingredient. (Does anyone have any idea whether the host is trying to cook a pie or a salad?) Skit 3: Gentleman: (Clears his throat) How do you do? Sir Alistair Reeves, OBE. Lady: Sylvia Wong, CPA. Gentleman:: Oh¡­ [The guy drops to his knees] Voiceover: People look up to a CPA.
