

證監擬強制股票行核數師 「一年一次」對單 2006年8月16日 【明報專訊】連串經紀行「爆煲」,證監會擬強制核數師一年一次抽樣核對投資者交易結算單,嚴打證券經紀行挪用客戶股票,並向會計師公會反映業界偽造結算單的情及手法。至於最近3宗「爆煲」案,會計師公會指並無收到任何涉及核數師疏忽的轉介調查。 證監會中介團體及投資產品部執行董事張灼華昨表示,鑑於出現了多家證券行挪用客戶股票及發出虛假月結單情,而會計師公會準則卻只列明核數師為證券行核數時,自行判斷需否與客戶對單,她建議應強制一年做一次對單,抽樣比率則按不同情而定。 她又呼籲投資者在中央結算開設戶口﹔現時全港160多萬投資者,只有1.5萬人開設戶口。對於有投資者嫌麻煩,她指,可研究減費用及改善程序。 證券商協會﹕作用不大 至於98年起挪用客戶股票的永業證券,有否涉及核數師失職,張灼華說﹕「不評論個別個案,但偽造結算單,我們巡查難發覺,與客戶對數較易查。」 會計師公會行政總裁張智媛指,針對3宗「爆煲案」,至今未收到證監會轉介調查。對於證監建議強制「一年一次」與投資者對單,她表示﹕「與客戶對數,是核數的必經審計程序,會計師現在已經是一年也會抽樣做一次﹔但我們不提倡加規條,抽樣百分比,也應該由專業判斷決定。」 證券商協會副主席蔡陳葆心認為,「一年一次」作用不大,「要挪用股票,一日都可以全取﹗最重要經紀行自律,經營不了就結業﹗投資者盡快到中央結算開戶口,結算系統不夠應用,就要改善。」 (Source: Mingpao) Wednesday, August 16, 2006 SFC wants yearly audit of clients' stakes at brokers ENOCH YIU The Securities and Futures Commission will require auditors of brokerage firms to cross-check annually with clients on their shareholdings to limit the risk of more theft cases involving brokers. The SFC action is part of several measures to improve investor protection after three small brokers - Whole Win Securities, Tiffit Securities and Wing Yip Securities - collapsed in the past three months with their owners alleged to have stolen clients' shares, leaving more than 1,400 clients an estimated total loss of HK$70 million. The SFC would also increase resources to allow more rigorous supervision of brokers, including more on-site and sudden inspections, the regulator said yesterday. The law required all 450 brokers to have an annual audit, but it was not mandatory for the auditor to check with clients to confirm what shareholdings they had deposited with the brokers, SFC executive director Alexa Lam said. "Making it compulsory for the external auditor to check with the clients to confirm shareholdings will help uncover any theft cases," she said. The move drew criticism from brokers concerned at the extra cost involved. Tai Fook Securities group managing director and chief executive Peter Wong Shiu-hoi said it would be expensive for his company, which had 80,000 clients, to hire auditors to cross-check each account. "Our company has a lot of internal controls measures, and we allow clients to check their shareholdings anytime they want on the internet," Mr Wong said. "We do not need the external auditors to check the clients' shareholding." An alternative was to select only a few clients' accounts for sample checking, said Christfund Securities chairman Christopher Cheung Wah-fung, who expressed concern the measure might increase operating costs. The brokerage has 10,000 clients. Mrs Lam said she would also meet the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, which regulates auditors, to discuss the SFC reporting any possible audit failures involving brokerage firms to the institute for possible disciplinary action. Mrs Lam also encouraged Hong Kong investors to have their own participant accounts in the clearing houses instead of depositing shares with brokers to make it difficult for brokers to steal the shares. Legislator Chim Pui-chung, who represents brokers, said the SFC suggestions had failed to solve the problem. "The real reasons of the broker collapses were the difficult business environment," Mr Chim said. "I will meet with the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Frederick Ma Si-hang to discuss ways to improve the business environment for small brokers. For example, the government should ban banks from offering zero commission to compete with brokers." (Source: SCMP)
