
Day 14@Toronto

After yesterday accident, there are many things I need to finish before my car is going to repair.....

I have just brought my car back home for a while, and will bring it to repair again this Saturday...This time my aunt can drive me back home, and I don't need to take the bus home...
Taking bus at Toronto is very upset. Yesterday I have walked 30 mins to bus stop because there are more buses to the direction I'm going to. I have waited for a while. Some buses pass by, but they do not stop. They are so called "Express" buses, and will not stop at the middle. I feel so upset especially seeing so many buses pass by without stopping...
Finally I manage to take one, but it does not go that far and I need to change another bus afterwards. So many trouble ar!!!!!!
I have gone to medical check today. Report will be received next Wednesday. Also I have gone to the bank and do some stuffs....
Nothing special today la.............I will be back soon....
By the way, I may not go to the internet cafe at Market Village later, as it is so far away and i can't go there without a car....I will try my best to write sth..there is a public library nearby and I can get internet access there as well...
