
Day 6@Toronto

From previous article, you guys can feel that it is a mess today~~~~~~
I feel very sad by now....We love each other...and still.....

I have been to Toronto Zoo today. The weather is a little cool with some wind..The temperature is about 11 or 12C..but there are still many people visiting the zoo...
I like animals...
I like them a lot...I have seen a lot of animals today...
Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Polar Bear, Otter....
If you ask me what animal I like to see most today, definitely I will say it is giraffe...
I like them most..they look so cute and spend a long time on them...
I'm happy when I'm visiting because I feel like she is beside me...I take photos with dolls and I smile happily like I'm smiling to her...
I play with goats and sheeps there...When they see me, they will run away....I hide and make some noises...they look around and don't know what it is...hehe
I play with them for a while.......
I take many photos...I just want...when I go back to Hong Kong, I can share with her....
After that I go to eat Abby which is famous in beef burger at Scarbourgh Town Centre...I'm so full now...
But still I don't want to go back home...
I try to find the soccer field that I often went and played soccer in the past...it is difficult to find...luckily I have asked my brother before, or I will never find it...It is near Market Village...and it's on Highglen Road...The field is very beautiful..Some people are playing there but I don't know them...I hope I can find my master...He taught me how to play soccer...not only this, he taught me many things...
then I check email...and see her email....I'm totally collapsed.........
Don't know why I feel that I will see her soon when I back to Hong Kong...don't know why...I feel that we can have bright future...don't know why.....
No doubt past will influence the present and future...but that's me...
u see my blog and my past...it gives you a bad feeling coz it looks like that I'm talking the same thing with different girls...
That's not true...u are u....u are special to me...I'm not only attracted by your outlook and smile but most important is the thing happened between us...
I know I will see you soon....I know that....We will together finally....
