
Day 3@Toronto

Hello, everyone. I haven't written anything for a long time. I'm fine now. I've just finished my last exam, and I think I'm doing a great job on those courses. I want to tell u guys that I'm now in Toronto, back to my 2nd home for a while.emoticon

I left Hong Kong after I finished my exam. I think so much relax after studying so long for the LLB programme. Finally, I can rest and don't need to worry about schoolwork for a while.
I'm now at Toronto. The temperature here is so nice, about 15C, not too hot or not too cold. I arrived there on 12/5 at about 6pm. Luckily I was still able to recall how to open the door of my home. I feel so warm the very first step to my home. The first thing is to rush to my room. I like my room so much, as it is large and can accommodate a double bed. But I miss Toffee a lot, as he slept with me all the time. I miss another person too, don't know what she is doing at this moment. She's often lack of confidence on me. May be I don't give her any confidence, that is my fault!! I really want to live happily with her, and I'm willing to take up responsibility.
As my auntie wasn't at home when I arrived, I was hungry and went to a nearby store to buy some pizza to eat.
As I still haven't renewed my driver's licence yet, so I was not able to drive at this moment. I felt a little bit sleepy too, may be due to jet lag. I'd pumped up tires of my bicycle, so that I would do some exercises. I'm so fat now, I need to work more. That's not healthy at all! At home, I clean my room, play NDS and read books. I feel so relax, don't have such feeling for a long time. The only thing that I miss is my dear Rachel. I often want to see her and share what I have seen with her. There are many places I want to visit with her, like my old schools. My high school is so near my home, but I remember I often drove back school when I studied. I want to bring her to see my university. I want her to know more about me. I want to bring her to see the Niagara Fall too!
Day 3
Nothing special, the forecast says that there will be heavy thunderstorm Tuesday morning (tomorrow morning). I hope it will end soon, as I like the sunshine of Toronto's summer. I haven't been to much places today, the auntie who lives at my home will leave and back to Hong Kong tonight. Today I have renewed my driver's licence, so that I can drive to different places. Also I'm able to find an internet cafe at Market Village here. People here still play Counter Strike. I remember I liked to play a lot in the past with my friends.
This morning I hear some strange noise from the roof. It seems that a squirrel has accidently rushed into my roof and is trapped. I try to call someone for help, but before that, it has gone. But it can escape and is fine now. I like the life here, very peaceful. There are many animals around. It's a great place to live with. I think I may visit my home more often in the future. Sure, if someone is able to come with me, I'm pleased to bring her around~~
I think I have to stop now. I will drop a few more lines tomorrow!
PS: Don't think too much. I will back soon~~ you should think more positively! I like your smile a lot~ pls give me more confidence!emoticon I love you so much~~emoticon
