
Day 4 Morning@Toronto

Last night I slept quite early, at about 1am. I opened all drawers to see anything that I can bring back to Hong Kong. I just figure out that my mother has bought a very powerful vacuum cleaner. However it is very very heavy, I still feel difficult to move it around the house, how could my mum bought a cleaner like this?

Day 4 in Toronto... What am I going to do today? I think I may go to eat my favourite Japanese Ramen for lunch today. Luckily it is still here at Toronto. Many shops have been closed, but more and more new shops have opened. After that I think I will go to visit some malls...may be those near my home~~I hear the forecast that there will be a powerful thunderstorm coming later this afternoon..If the weather is so poor, I will not go too far... I will buy Salmon Sashimi for dinner tonight. Before my mum told me that it was closed, I felt so sad about that. But last night I figured that the shop is still here~~~~~~~yummy yummy~~~I like the Korean shop owner so much, and usually he would give me more than I ordered~~ OK, time to leave la~~~~~~ I will write more later tonight~~ PS: luckily can find a place to have internet access, the fee is about $2.5per hr ar~~
