
Day 4@Toronto

I wake up so early in the morning at about 7am, then I have gone to an internet cafe and played for a while....
At first I want to go to "Bamboo Bridge" to have my favourite Japanese Ramen but it is closed...I forget that it closes every Tuesday...emoticon...poor me..

Then I go to other places to look around..
I have been to Pet Mart...it looks a lot different. Now they sell a lot of fish....I want to buy a collar for Toffee but still I can't find one that is suitable...
I have been to Home Depot too. It is a shop which sells different kinds of goods about home. Actually I have nothing to buy.
Today I have been to a large mall called Vaughan Mills. It is very very large. I have bought something but not many. I have bought a Juventus cap, it's very beautiful and nice. I haven't seen it in Hong Kong. I have bought sth for my dearest too.....hehe...
Actually shopping is nothing special...
As I have said in my previous message, there is a thunderstorm coming that day. Luckily it starts raining when I just get back into my car. Traffic is a little bit congested but I'm able to look around when I drive. However when I'm close to my home, suddenly I feel sth hard hitting my car...many small ice balls..............oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! The feeling is so horrible...I have no place to hide...Actually it's my first being hit by ice balls from sky....I'm scare sth as big as a stone will hit my car...otherwise there may be a big big hole on the roof of my car..Luckily I'm close to my home and I'm able to get back home as fast as possible...
I have taken pictures of them...may be I will show u guys later...
Today is fifth day in Toronto...let me see what I will do today..first of all, go to eat Japanese Ramen at "Bamboo Bridge"...then I may go to Canadian Tire and buy sth to repair my home's toilet...(haven't told u guys that i'm a professional repairing toilets..lol...)...I think I will buy Salmon Sashimi home for dinner tonight ar...last night the rain was so heavy that I couldn't go out...just ate instant noodle for dinner..poor me...then I read some newspaper and slept for a while on sofa...I hope today I can eat my favourite Salmon Sashimi la...emoticon
