
Day 11@Toronto

Today is a fine day. After chatting with her for a while, then i go out for a while......

I visit a shop which is an authorised dealer of Precious Moment's collection. I know she loves that a lot, don't know why..I just want to have a look and see see....
Don't know why after driving for a while, I feel a little bit tired....may be yesterday I was exhausted after riding bicycle for the whole day...
I've eaten Harvy for lunch today (actually is tea.......)...their Angus beef's burger is so good...and u are able to choose what is inside your burger...really yummy.....
On my way home, I have been to Fair View's Public Library. It doesn't change a lot, but I discover that I can access internet there ar...but my library card needs to be replaced...Luckily they are willing to replace a new one for me..so later I can play internet and reply email there la....hehe
After I go back home, I check check what I need to bring back home...I have flipped through the photo album...see some photos of my past...my baby photos...my brother's photos...also my mother and father's photos...they were so young...and some I haven't seen before.....
I discover one memo..which records how much I weight and what time I was born....
I also find some words written by my mother...
She said, "Kei is smart. He can walk when he is 11-mth old now. He likes to walk. Babies older than him still cannot walk but he can run now. He can say Mama Baba BorBor and "bird bird"...I don't know what he will be in the future but he seems he has a huge temper. He often throws stuffs....."
Don't know why...when I see it, I cry...non-stop crying....can't help myself but only cry and cry....it seems that I have owed my parents too much.....I feel so regretted...........I love them...
Immediately I call them...I want to listen to their voice...I know my father will go back to work at 8am...so I call a little bit earlier...just want to hear their voices....
