
Day 8@Toronto

I'm exhausted today after playing 2 hrs soccer with friends(??) this morning. Frankly, they are not my friends. My brother tells me that every summer they will play there at about the same time, and ask me to go and have a look~~ Luckily I'm able to meet them....
I don't play well in the beginning....may be I really need to exercise more....my body is so heavy and I can't run fast at all...also the grass is so long which makes it difficlt to dribble...Later i play as a defender, the situation is improved....may be it doesn't need much energy to defend....

After playing, I rest a while....
Then I decide to go to my old school to have a look...My university was in downtown St. George....It really has changed a lot~~~there are many new buildings....So poor....I can't get into some buildings because today is Saturday and they are not open....
I'm hungry so I buy a hot dog to eat there...I sit on a bench nearby...when I'm eating, a bird comes nearby...it seems that it wants to eat too...it is so cute and it seems so poor..so I give some to eat....it leaves and comes again....and brings along with some friends..hahah....
I have stayed at University of Toronto for about 2 hrs.....finally I have bought some T-shirts with UofT logo on it....I haven't bought any before....
The weather is so nice...Although I'm tired, I decides to go to a beach nearby. The beach is located at downtown Toronto, it is called Woodbine beach...there are many ppl playing volleyball, with girls wearing bikini..haha....many ppl bring dogs dogs out too....I walk for a while....take some photos....I think I would go there too this Monday..as there will be firework show to see...but I need to go here earlier...today I've spent about 15 mins to find a space in parking lot....
I still have no idea what I'm gong to do tomorrow...I think I need to buy daily supplies back home...I want to drink milk.......
