
Day 14@Toronto

After yesterday accident, there are many things I need to finish before my car is going to repair.....

I have just brought my car back home for a while, and will bring it to repair again this Saturday...This time my aunt can drive me back home, and I don't need to take the bus home...
Taking bus at Toronto is very upset. Yesterday I have walked 30 mins to bus stop because there are more buses to the direction I'm going to. I have waited for a while. Some buses pass by, but they do not stop. They are so called "Express" buses, and will not stop at the middle. I feel so upset especially seeing so many buses pass by without stopping...
Finally I manage to take one, but it does not go that far and I need to change another bus afterwards. So many trouble ar!!!!!!
I have gone to medical check today. Report will be received next Wednesday. Also I have gone to the bank and do some stuffs....
Nothing special today la.............I will be back soon....
By the way, I may not go to the internet cafe at Market Village later, as it is so far away and i can't go there without a car....I will try my best to write sth..there is a public library nearby and I can get internet access there as well...


Day 13@Toronto

Today is a messy day. I wake up early this morning because I want to eat hash brown from McDonald. I plan to wash my car afterwards as it is so dirty...

But the hash brown is not good at all.........
After that I leave and drive to wash my car. When I'm driving at the middle lane at Steele and Hwy 404, a pickup truck hits me....and runs away!!! Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His left lane is congested, he changes lane without looking whether there is coming traffic!!! FUCK!!!
He even runs away!!!
The road is so busy and I have no time to take even a photo at him.........
I feel so down.....
Luckily my car can still move and I can drive back home....
The door beside driver's seat is seriously damaged. My left mirror is gone.......
so sad.............What the FUCK!!!!
I need to repair my car....I need $1780 Can to repair it......need to buy a 2nd hand door...need to paint it.....so expensive...I can even buy a ticket back to HK....Damn it!!!
I have no choice but to repair.........so so so so sad......
I need to say goodbye to my car as I will not see it anymore....I need to ask my auntie to pick it up for me because by the time it is repaired I have already left Toronto...
no car at Toronto = no place to go.........
For a 15-min ride, now I need an hour to go.........
may be these few days I clean up my house and ride more bicycle...........need to buy a bicycle lock as well....so trouble......
no mood at all....
no personal injury...just a little twist of my ankle...
so sad....

Day 12@Toronto

Nothing to do.....
Go to watch Champions' League Final....
As I cannot watch at home, I go out and watch it....in a Chinese restaurant...haha...
At first I want to go to watch with other local Italians..but really don't know where the town is...so give up....
The match, honestly, is not an exciting match..
but Milan wins finally...YEAH!!!...
so happy....when I'm there, I have met some students from York University. They are Milan's fans too...that's great...so happy to see Maldini holding the cup on the stage again....


Day 11@Toronto

Today is a fine day. After chatting with her for a while, then i go out for a while......

I visit a shop which is an authorised dealer of Precious Moment's collection. I know she loves that a lot, don't know why..I just want to have a look and see see....
Don't know why after driving for a while, I feel a little bit tired....may be yesterday I was exhausted after riding bicycle for the whole day...
I've eaten Harvy for lunch today (actually is tea.......)...their Angus beef's burger is so good...and u are able to choose what is inside your burger...really yummy.....
On my way home, I have been to Fair View's Public Library. It doesn't change a lot, but I discover that I can access internet there ar...but my library card needs to be replaced...Luckily they are willing to replace a new one for me..so later I can play internet and reply email there la....hehe
After I go back home, I check check what I need to bring back home...I have flipped through the photo album...see some photos of my past...my baby photos...my brother's photos...also my mother and father's photos...they were so young...and some I haven't seen before.....
I discover one memo..which records how much I weight and what time I was born....
I also find some words written by my mother...
She said, "Kei is smart. He can walk when he is 11-mth old now. He likes to walk. Babies older than him still cannot walk but he can run now. He can say Mama Baba BorBor and "bird bird"...I don't know what he will be in the future but he seems he has a huge temper. He often throws stuffs....."
Don't know why...when I see it, I cry...non-stop crying....can't help myself but only cry and cry....it seems that I have owed my parents too much.....I feel so regretted...........I love them...
Immediately I call them...I want to listen to their voice...I know my father will go back to work at 8am...so I call a little bit earlier...just want to hear their voices....


Day 10@Toronto

Today the weather is a lot better with sunny sky, not too hot and not too cold. I think it's about 15C as I have read the temperature from the meter outside my house....hope it's correct...

Feel so happy...as I have a long chat with her today...
After that, really have nothing to do...as planned, I'm going to ride my bicycle at Woodbine Beach. Last time I'd already said I should bring my bicycle with me there. The scene is so beautiful and nice. Many ppl are riding bicycle too~
The traffic is a little bit congested as there will be a firework show coming tonight. Many ppl have gone there earlier so that they can find a better place to watch. I'm not going to watch it, as I think watching firework should be watched with her...I hope I can watch it with her in this coming July in Hong Kong....
That's a little bit difficult to me to find a parking space here. I decide not to park where I parked last time. I'm sure there won't have any parking space left. I've parked my car which was at the other end of the beach....I've brought a lot of things with me today - some snacks and a bottle of water...
Today I have nearly ridden my bicycle the whole afternoon. I have gone to many places. There is a park here where it is designated for birds. The scene is so beautiful. I have reached a lighthouse where I can see the whole Toronto clearly, especially the landmark CN Tower. I have taken some photos too...hope it is clear..There are many seagulls flying in the sky. They are so scare when I come near to them....
After riding for a while, I have seen someone selling hot dog. I have bought one, very yummy indeed........hehehe
Today is a wonderful afternoon. I have done a lot of exercise, and lose a lot of weight...haha...
One more thing, I have bought a lot of firework with me...I think I will go to a nearby school and play...let me take some photos later sin...hehe


Day 9@Toronto

Today the weather is fine, but it's a little windy which makes it impossible to play outdoor activities....
I cannot find the master who taught me soccer before. I think I may try to find him later this coming Wednesday...

At first I decide to stay home and read books, but suddenly sth comes up to my mind. I turn over the yellow page and find a soccer shop which sells a lot of Italian jerseys. I've bought many stuffs from many before, but I forget where they are....
Luckily I can find its address from yellow page. There are many Juventus's products which are not possible to buy in Hong Kong. No doubt, I've bought a lot. I have bought a small bag with Juve's logo on it, it looks very nice...Also I have bought 2 polo shirts too...I want to buy a jacket but it is too large and I don't fit with it....If anyone wants to buy, u can go to 4040 Steeles Road West....
Tomorrow is Victoria Day. Many shops will be closed, so today I've bought sth from supermarket. I have gone to the one at Warden and Steeles. It will open 24 hours every Friday and Saturday. The shop is large and clean. I like to go there because there are variety of different products being sold....Tell u guys one thing, I like to go to supermarket a lot. However my brother doesn't...I like to go there because there are a lot of things to buy and to eat..hehe...I like to eat a lot...so now I'm fat...I should do more exercises instead. I don't want my body becoming bigger and bigger...now I even feel so painful after running for a while....


Day 8@Toronto

I'm exhausted today after playing 2 hrs soccer with friends(??) this morning. Frankly, they are not my friends. My brother tells me that every summer they will play there at about the same time, and ask me to go and have a look~~ Luckily I'm able to meet them....
I don't play well in the beginning....may be I really need to exercise more....my body is so heavy and I can't run fast at all...also the grass is so long which makes it difficlt to dribble...Later i play as a defender, the situation is improved....may be it doesn't need much energy to defend....

After playing, I rest a while....
Then I decide to go to my old school to have a look...My university was in downtown St. George....It really has changed a lot~~~there are many new buildings....So poor....I can't get into some buildings because today is Saturday and they are not open....
I'm hungry so I buy a hot dog to eat there...I sit on a bench nearby...when I'm eating, a bird comes nearby...it seems that it wants to eat too...it is so cute and it seems so poor..so I give some to eat....it leaves and comes again....and brings along with some friends..hahah....
I have stayed at University of Toronto for about 2 hrs.....finally I have bought some T-shirts with UofT logo on it....I haven't bought any before....
The weather is so nice...Although I'm tired, I decides to go to a beach nearby. The beach is located at downtown Toronto, it is called Woodbine beach...there are many ppl playing volleyball, with girls wearing bikini..haha....many ppl bring dogs dogs out too....I walk for a while....take some photos....I think I would go there too this Monday..as there will be firework show to see...but I need to go here earlier...today I've spent about 15 mins to find a space in parking lot....
I still have no idea what I'm gong to do tomorrow...I think I need to buy daily supplies back home...I want to drink milk.......

Day 7@Toronto

Sleep late today...
haven't eaten much...again go to eat Japanese noodle at "Bamboo Bridge"...
Just remember Victoria Day is coming...I can play firework too....let me buy some to play later sin...

As the traffic outside is so congested, I stay home and have a long talk on phone with her...
Then I have gone to play for a while soccer...just play a while...........
Tomorrow I will wake up early to play soccer also...there are some ppl playing in the same place every summer...as my brother remarks, "ppl in Toronto even live for ten years their living are still the same...." hahahahaha
I may also go to my university - University of Toronto..to have a look...
My brother just tells me that Juve will promote back to Serie A next year la...............YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Day 6@Toronto

From previous article, you guys can feel that it is a mess today~~~~~~
I feel very sad by now....We love each other...and still.....

I have been to Toronto Zoo today. The weather is a little cool with some wind..The temperature is about 11 or 12C..but there are still many people visiting the zoo...
I like animals...
I like them a lot...I have seen a lot of animals today...
Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Leopard, Polar Bear, Otter....
If you ask me what animal I like to see most today, definitely I will say it is giraffe...
I like them most..they look so cute and spend a long time on them...
I'm happy when I'm visiting because I feel like she is beside me...I take photos with dolls and I smile happily like I'm smiling to her...
I play with goats and sheeps there...When they see me, they will run away....I hide and make some noises...they look around and don't know what it is...hehe
I play with them for a while.......
I take many photos...I just want...when I go back to Hong Kong, I can share with her....
After that I go to eat Abby which is famous in beef burger at Scarbourgh Town Centre...I'm so full now...
But still I don't want to go back home...
I try to find the soccer field that I often went and played soccer in the past...it is difficult to find...luckily I have asked my brother before, or I will never find it...It is near Market Village...and it's on Highglen Road...The field is very beautiful..Some people are playing there but I don't know them...I hope I can find my master...He taught me how to play soccer...not only this, he taught me many things...
then I check email...and see her email....I'm totally collapsed.........
Don't know why I feel that I will see her soon when I back to Hong Kong...don't know why...I feel that we can have bright future...don't know why.....
No doubt past will influence the present and future...but that's me...
u see my blog and my past...it gives you a bad feeling coz it looks like that I'm talking the same thing with different girls...
That's not true...u are u....u are special to me...I'm not only attracted by your outlook and smile but most important is the thing happened between us...
I know I will see you soon....I know that....We will together finally....

Chapter 1 New Beginning: Dream

Why can I only dream?
Today is a messy day. I'm alone in Toronto....Some things happen and I can't do anything...
She chooses to leave me this moment after knowing each other for 2 months. May be she feel unsecured at this moment. May be she will feel better when I come back. I still believe we have future and that's our destiny....

I fall asleep....I'm exhausted...I still remember what you say to me before...you will treasure our past, our present and our future..I hope you can overcome it and then we have a bright future...
I dream...........and that's my dream....I write it down when I wake up...
She is now in Toronto. She is here and I don't know why she is here...I often hope that she can come with me and I can show her around what my life was in Toronto...
I remember she is studying in the library with me at that moment. She is concentrating on her work, but suddenly her mobile rings.....
It seems that this disturbs someone beside her. That guy is a Chinese. He is very angry and is furious of her phone.
He says, "Watch out! Be careful! I will kill you and shoot you tomorrow!"
She is scare and I'm scare too....I must do something...
I want to protect her....
She hides in a room, and I'm standing outside her room protecting her..It seems that the whole city is alerted by this. I'm armed and guarding her. I cannot see her, her door is closed. But I can feel her that she is alright inside the room.
That guy tries to find her. It seems that he is not able to locate her. She is safe by now...
I listen to the radio. She is interviewed by the host in the radio programme. She says she is fine and safe now. The host asks her where she is, but she does not tell the host.
After that, I call her.........
She answers the phone but says, "I've banned your call. Why you still calling me?"
I ask her where she is.
She says, "I'm in Taiwan now...."
What???? She is not inside the room I'm guarding now??? Where have she been? Why????
I lose my control.....
I tell her, "I love you. I love you so much and I can't live without her....."
Then I wake up...and back to reality..........
You have told me on SMS once that there is still something lacking between us. May be it is communication..May be it is the process.....and that's our process...
From now on, we still start a new chapter and new beginning...and I believe your fear will be gone in the future...that's our destiny...we can have bright future...I love you...we can overcome it...


Day 5@Toronto

Finally I'm able to eat my favourite Japanese Ramen at Bamboo Bridge. I also order Sushi Pizza which is very delicious. Their noodles are still very good. Luckily I don't eat much before, so that I'm able to finish all of them..hahahaemoticon

I've repaired the handle of my toilet. It's very easy to replace. I can even change the whole set by myself...I'm a toilet expert..haha
The Canadian Tire at Leslie and Sheppard has expanded. It's very large now with variety of different products. I have been to IKEA too which is just opposite of IKEA. On the way, I have seen someone feeding Canadian ducks there. They are so cute, especially those babies..
I'm so happy today as finally I'm able to order my favourite Sashimi takeout at Kennedy and Steele. The Korean shopkeeper recognises me and asks me where I have been. We have a little chat. He tells me that his business is quite good too. I've ordered a small assorted sashimi but he has given me a lot ar~~~~~~~~~~~~~with many salmon and even Toro ar~~also some spicy Tuna and spicy Salmon...and other kind of fish ar~~~~~~
So full ar.................
Day 6, I may visit Metro Zoo ar...it seems that the weather is fine today...very sunny ar..
ttyl...time to go to zoo laemoticon


Day 4@Toronto

I wake up so early in the morning at about 7am, then I have gone to an internet cafe and played for a while....
At first I want to go to "Bamboo Bridge" to have my favourite Japanese Ramen but it is closed...I forget that it closes every Tuesday...emoticon...poor me..

Then I go to other places to look around..
I have been to Pet Mart...it looks a lot different. Now they sell a lot of fish....I want to buy a collar for Toffee but still I can't find one that is suitable...
I have been to Home Depot too. It is a shop which sells different kinds of goods about home. Actually I have nothing to buy.
Today I have been to a large mall called Vaughan Mills. It is very very large. I have bought something but not many. I have bought a Juventus cap, it's very beautiful and nice. I haven't seen it in Hong Kong. I have bought sth for my dearest too.....hehe...
Actually shopping is nothing special...
As I have said in my previous message, there is a thunderstorm coming that day. Luckily it starts raining when I just get back into my car. Traffic is a little bit congested but I'm able to look around when I drive. However when I'm close to my home, suddenly I feel sth hard hitting my car...many small ice balls..............oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! The feeling is so horrible...I have no place to hide...Actually it's my first being hit by ice balls from sky....I'm scare sth as big as a stone will hit my car...otherwise there may be a big big hole on the roof of my car..Luckily I'm close to my home and I'm able to get back home as fast as possible...
I have taken pictures of them...may be I will show u guys later...
Today is fifth day in Toronto...let me see what I will do today..first of all, go to eat Japanese Ramen at "Bamboo Bridge"...then I may go to Canadian Tire and buy sth to repair my home's toilet...(haven't told u guys that i'm a professional repairing toilets..lol...)...I think I will buy Salmon Sashimi home for dinner tonight ar...last night the rain was so heavy that I couldn't go out...just ate instant noodle for dinner..poor me...then I read some newspaper and slept for a while on sofa...I hope today I can eat my favourite Salmon Sashimi la...emoticon


Day 4 Morning@Toronto

Last night I slept quite early, at about 1am. I opened all drawers to see anything that I can bring back to Hong Kong. I just figure out that my mother has bought a very powerful vacuum cleaner. However it is very very heavy, I still feel difficult to move it around the house, how could my mum bought a cleaner like this?

Day 4 in Toronto... What am I going to do today? I think I may go to eat my favourite Japanese Ramen for lunch today. Luckily it is still here at Toronto. Many shops have been closed, but more and more new shops have opened. After that I think I will go to visit some malls...may be those near my home~~I hear the forecast that there will be a powerful thunderstorm coming later this afternoon..If the weather is so poor, I will not go too far... I will buy Salmon Sashimi for dinner tonight. Before my mum told me that it was closed, I felt so sad about that. But last night I figured that the shop is still here~~~~~~~yummy yummy~~~I like the Korean shop owner so much, and usually he would give me more than I ordered~~ OK, time to leave la~~~~~~ I will write more later tonight~~ PS: luckily can find a place to have internet access, the fee is about $2.5per hr ar~~

Day 3@Toronto

Hello, everyone. I haven't written anything for a long time. I'm fine now. I've just finished my last exam, and I think I'm doing a great job on those courses. I want to tell u guys that I'm now in Toronto, back to my 2nd home for a while.emoticon

I left Hong Kong after I finished my exam. I think so much relax after studying so long for the LLB programme. Finally, I can rest and don't need to worry about schoolwork for a while.
I'm now at Toronto. The temperature here is so nice, about 15C, not too hot or not too cold. I arrived there on 12/5 at about 6pm. Luckily I was still able to recall how to open the door of my home. I feel so warm the very first step to my home. The first thing is to rush to my room. I like my room so much, as it is large and can accommodate a double bed. But I miss Toffee a lot, as he slept with me all the time. I miss another person too, don't know what she is doing at this moment. She's often lack of confidence on me. May be I don't give her any confidence, that is my fault!! I really want to live happily with her, and I'm willing to take up responsibility.
As my auntie wasn't at home when I arrived, I was hungry and went to a nearby store to buy some pizza to eat.
As I still haven't renewed my driver's licence yet, so I was not able to drive at this moment. I felt a little bit sleepy too, may be due to jet lag. I'd pumped up tires of my bicycle, so that I would do some exercises. I'm so fat now, I need to work more. That's not healthy at all! At home, I clean my room, play NDS and read books. I feel so relax, don't have such feeling for a long time. The only thing that I miss is my dear Rachel. I often want to see her and share what I have seen with her. There are many places I want to visit with her, like my old schools. My high school is so near my home, but I remember I often drove back school when I studied. I want to bring her to see my university. I want her to know more about me. I want to bring her to see the Niagara Fall too!
Day 3
Nothing special, the forecast says that there will be heavy thunderstorm Tuesday morning (tomorrow morning). I hope it will end soon, as I like the sunshine of Toronto's summer. I haven't been to much places today, the auntie who lives at my home will leave and back to Hong Kong tonight. Today I have renewed my driver's licence, so that I can drive to different places. Also I'm able to find an internet cafe at Market Village here. People here still play Counter Strike. I remember I liked to play a lot in the past with my friends.
This morning I hear some strange noise from the roof. It seems that a squirrel has accidently rushed into my roof and is trapped. I try to call someone for help, but before that, it has gone. But it can escape and is fine now. I like the life here, very peaceful. There are many animals around. It's a great place to live with. I think I may visit my home more often in the future. Sure, if someone is able to come with me, I'm pleased to bring her around~~
I think I have to stop now. I will drop a few more lines tomorrow!
PS: Don't think too much. I will back soon~~ you should think more positively! I like your smile a lot~ pls give me more confidence!emoticon I love you so much~~emoticon