

The PCLL consists of two stages:
Stage 1: The compulsory courses
During Stage 1, you will take 5 compulsory courses. They are:
Professional Practice
Commercial Practice
Property and Probate Practice
Civil Litigation Practice
Criminal Litigation Practice
Stage 2: The elective courses
During Stage 2, you will study 5 elective courses. They are:
Part 1
Writing and Drafting Litigation Documents
Conference Skills and Professional Conduct
Lending and Finance
Corporate Finance
choose 2
Part 2
Writing and Drafting Opinions and Advices
Writing and Drafting Litigation Documents (in Chinese)
China Practice
Writing and Drafting Commercial Documents (in Chinese)
Alternative Dispute Resolution 
choose 2
Part 3
Trial Advocacy
Writing and Drafting Commercial Documents
choose 1

Drafting? 間間公司都有唔同style,唔同版,到最後都係抄precedent,所以其實係學唔到,同時都沒有得讀的。 出來工作,你都係follow你自己公司的版,唔會自己創作的,都係大改少改甘。仲要學寫中文drafting,要看看什麼人去教...走個中文系的人出來教,你知啦,中大要求人地中文一定比其他人好..話唔定serious到肥人中文就唔X抵啦~~~
你知很多firm都要first-attempt PCLL,一個唔該死係d中文度就真係自找啦~~入PCLL很多人都是外國返來的,中文程度generally可能比較無甘好,所以千萬唔好選中文drafting啦~~
PCLL,我自己覺得唔係一個學野的地方,自己之前都天真地,很傻地認為上到PCLL要學多些野。不過PCLL甘intensive,d老師不斷迫我地.到頭來什麼學野的意慾都沒有了。沒有太多時間,最後只求PASS。上一個semester都有很努力去prepare tutorials,今個semester都求其算了...
