
Cyber Law - Deep Linking



今天上Cyber Law,主要講Copyright related to internet..新修訂的S35A同一些關於Deep-linking的問題..什麼是Deep Linking?例如我link去Apple Daily的news,而沒有去Apple Daily的front page..如果Apple Daily因visitors沒有去front page而suffer loss on advertisment..這有可能infringe copyright..原因是我breach了Apple Daily對我的implied licence (visitors should view the homepage as a whole)..但在Shetland Times Limited的Case入面, Scottish Court ruled that reproducing headlines can be a breach of copyright因為Skill and labour had been expended in making the headlines..但今天來訪我們的大律師Paul Francis認為there should be two different kinds of headlines: One that is a statement of fact e.g. George Bush visits Beijing; and one that is arranged skilful by editor to create noise e.g. Teed-off villagers in grave action. In this sense, headline that only states the fact should not be protected by copyright, while skilful headline should be protected.
