
合 理 的 要 求 , 當 是 鍛 煉 。 無 理 的 要 求 , 當 是 磨 練 。

今天上課很累..上了Evidence同sit-in 的Taxation..Taxation教Basis Period,其實都唔係太難明,但Taxation一定要人教..不能夠自修..上完Taxation上Evidence ..今日教Sponetaneous utterance同做tutorial questions..tutorial questions主要關係voluntary, rules and directions of police..十分tricky...especially issues about police without giving precaution...in different stages of a case, police has the duty to caution the accused and tell him about his right to remain silence..if the police doesn't do so, counsel for defendant can askthe court to throw out the case as it may be unfair to the accused.. 回來很累,明天先organise tutorial questions d answers..

之後收到細路的Long Distance..he keeps on complaining the condition of the room given by his client..mattress is very diry...he even can't find a plug inside his room..he feels so sad and nearly cries out..I tell him to complain those to the accountant-in-charge and ask for rearrangement..It's not possible to live in such condition for 4 more weeks..So I often say working as an auditor isn't easy...the life is miserable and sometimes other people are hard to imagine how harsh the life for an auditor is..only those who have worked in Big 4 may be able to share the same kind of feeling..I remember I worked in Xian once..Client didn't arrange a hotel room for us and we had to lived in their workers' dormitory..the condition was not better than my brother..colleague once said that there were some "dirty" things inside the room as well..so scare......we finally were able to persuade client to arrange a hotel room for us as we said our managers would come as well..

so sad...internet connection又問題...打了電話去I-cable..佢話全區都係有問題..."連上yahoo同hotmail check email都唔得...damn it!!!!
