

很多時候都要開會,有時八九時,主要都是一些商業買賣。工作有時就係去起草一些合同,review一些合同,做due diligence, draft resolutions, draft circular同announcement, 去答覆HKEX的query, IPO等...
聽到同學上court,真係很羨慕。可以去chamber同SC discuss個case等,都應該很好玩。
如果有興趣可以click落去看S13A, 同mainland judgments (reciprocal enforcement)的information。

CIRCULAR 08-399 (PA) 14 July 2008 New Section 13A of the Conveyancing and
Property Ordinance, Cap. 219
Effective Date : 11 July 2008

  1. The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No.2) Ordinance 2008 (“the Ordinance”) was gazetted on 11 July 2008 and came into operation on the same date.  Part 3 of the Ordinance introduced legislative proposal to resolve the difficulty posed by various judgments including Yiu Ping Fong & Anor v. Lam Lai Hing Lana HCMP No. 3617 of 1998;Guang Zhou Real Estate Development (Hong Kong) Co. Ltd. & Anor v. Summit Elegance LimitedHCA 1531 of 1998 and Loyal Hope Limited v. Leung Pui Ming and others HCA 136/2007.

  1. Under Part 3 of the Ordinance, the following amendments were made to the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance, Cap. 219 (“CPO”):
  1. a new Section 13A was added to provide, inter alia,  that unless the contrary intention is expressed, a purchaser of land shall be entitled to require the vendor to deliver to him, for the purpose of giving title to that land, the original of only (i) the Government lease that relates exclusively to the land; and (ii) any document that relates exclusively to the land and is required to be produced by the vendor as proof of title to that land under Section 13(1)(a) and (c);
  Clauses 8 and 9 of Part A of the Second Schedule were amended to reflect the spirit behind the introduction of the new Section 13A.
CIRCULAR 08-403 (PA) 14 July 2008
(Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance
The Department of Justice has advised the Society that on 3 July 2008, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) promulgated a judicial interpretation (JI) giving effect to the "Arrangement on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters by the Courts of the Mainland and of the HKSAR Pursuant to the Choice of Court Agreements between the parties Concerned, signed on 14 July 2006 (the Arrangement).  
The Arrangement shall come into effect on 1 August 2008. 
The Secretary for Justice published a notice in the Gazette on 4 July 2008 appointing 1 August 2008 as the day when the Ordinance shall come into operation. 
A copy of the JI has been posted on the SPC's webpage at: 
