



陳 文敏表示,許多市民希望諮詢法律意見常求助無門,加上法律諮詢費用昂貴,為協助基層市民、同時也希望為法律系準畢業生提供「實戰」訓練,港大決定年底開設 「法律診所」,免費為有民事訴訟需要的市民提供服務,如寫律師信、給予法律意見等。他估計,首年約有20名學生參與,屬試驗性質,並由一名教授指導8名學 生,確保他們給予的法律意見準確。同時,校方也會依足程序,為有關計劃購買保險,以保障公眾利益。至於服務範疇,則不包括協助處理刑事案件,主要協助市民 處理民事訴訟,但也不包括醫療及勞工個案。
陳文敏解釋,這項計劃只是為讓學生吸取實際工作經驗,及協助有需 要的小市民,不會構成與同行爭生意,他希望最終獲香港律師會支持。但香港律師會主席黃嘉純坦言,對法律系學生為市民提供法律服務表示關注,他認為給予法律 意見應由持牌律師來做,學生沒有這方面資格,「萬一有問題,咁點樣追討?呢個係對公眾保障嘅問題。」他建議,港大不妨為此成立一間律師樓,並受該會規管。 此外,各律師團體及各大學法律學院較早前召開法律教育會議時,商討未來大學改為四年制事宜,黃嘉純指現時尚未有定案,但他們仍傾向維持法律本科生修讀四 年,不傾向將就讀年份延長至五年。




指夫婦均貢獻家庭 「合理需要」分配原則過時     2008年3月6日

【明報專訊】近年本港離婚數字激增,引來不少爭拗贍養費的訴訟,法庭以往按「合理需要」為原則分配婚姻財產,但上訴庭昨日確立有關原則已經過時,認為夫婦 二人在婚姻中均有不同形式的付出,指香港應跟隨英國8年前的改變,以「公平分配」為原則,除非有其他合理的理由,否則離婚雙方應可平均分享婚姻財產。

上訴庭昨頒下判辭,指本港近20年來,均依賴「C對C」的案例,即在分配婚姻財產時,會考慮離婚雙方的年齡、健康情、收入、賺錢能力、離婚前的生活水平等因素後,計算申索人一方的「合理需要」;而在「C對C」案例中,婚姻財產約有9000萬元,身為申索人的妻子最後獲得逾3500萬元,佔婚姻財產的 39%。








本案的離婚夫婦分別為46歲的商人丈夫,以及45歲的無業妻子,兩人於1996年結婚,至2002年一同申請離婚,但就資產分配問題有分歧。丈夫擁有價值 465萬元資產,妻子則擁有52.274萬元,經區院審訊後,妻子獲得丈夫的三分之一資產,即155萬元,但妻子不服,提出上訴。



律師﹕指引清晰可減訴訟      2008年3月6日





婦權界讚官肯定主婦地位      2008年3月6日









Judicial review legal aid bids on the rise

Judicial review legal aid bids on the rise (SCMP) 03月 03日 星期一 00:03AM

The public's level of frustration with the government is far higher than can be gauged from everyday courtroom scenes, statistics from the Legal Aid Department show.

The number of applications for legal aid for judicial reviews increased from 138 in the 2002-03 financial year to 212 in 2006-07. However, as many as 110 to 150 applications were turned down each year.

For last year, the department said a total of 234 applications for aid had been lodged. But only 99 of them were approved, after the department  assessed their merits.

In recent years, about 140 judicial reviews were filed with the High Court each year. This figure could have been higher, if the unsuccessful legal aid applicants had found alternative means to foot their legal bills.

Judicial review refers to the power of the court to review the legality and reasonableness of the decisions of the government and other public bodies.

But cases against the administration always take up the largest portion of the judicial reviews. For example, 100 of the 150 judicial reviews in 2004, 130 of the 155 reviews in 2005 and 128 of the 132 reviews in 2006, involved the government, statistics from the Department of Justice show.

The trend has prompted many legal experts and politicians to criticise a Court of Final Appeal decision in November to raise the bar for seeking leave for judicial reviews. In future, the court ruled that cases have to be "arguable", not just "potentially arguable", in order to obtain leave for judicial reviews.

"Judicial review is one of the most unique and renowned features of our judicial system. Its popularity reflects the flaws in our political system and public confidence in the courts,"  legislator and barrister Margaret Ng Ngoi-yee said.

"I am extremely concerned about what would happen to the powerless people if the route to JR - their only resort to seek justice - is taken away from them," Ms Ng said. However, a spokesman for the Department of Justice said that over the years as many as 80 per cent of challenges  taken out against the government by way of judicial review were unsuccessful. "The increasing number of judicial review applications has been contributed to by, among others, a greater awareness of the public in  asserting their rights by way of legal proceedings," he said.

Mark Daly, a human rights lawyer who has represented many refugees and right of abode claimants, said: "In many of the cases we deal with in the immigration area, I think there's too much discretion with the authorities. If the legislation was more specific, that would cut out uncertainty, people would know more where they stand. More transparency and fairness may result in less likelihood that they would resort to JR," he said.

Legislator "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung said he had always been unfairly portrayed as putting on a show when he challenged the government through judicial reviews. "One of the biggest deficiencies in our mini-constitution is the limited role of the legislature, which has no teeth to effect major changes in policymaking. The remedy should be given by expanding the role of the courts, and more specifically, judicial reviews. But the Court of Final Appeal has done the opposite," he said.

The Department of Justice spokesman said it was inaccurate and unfair to say that a higher threshold would mean meritorious cases would be screened out.

He cited Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang's ruling in the top court: "The public interest in good public administration requires that public authorities should not have to face uncertainty as to the validity of their decisions as a result of unarguable claims."