


離開了以後, 未能忘記你....
你走了, 才懂得你在我心中的重要...
看著你的背影離開, 看著你睡房的燈亮起。我在你家樓下, 冷冷的風在身邊吹開, 我感覺很冷,同時在感受你從前一樣在冷風中等待的冷...為什麼現在我才知道?
看到你安全回到家裡, 心中想: 「可能以後都再見不到你了....」眼淚突然留下來...
我 從來都不知道你看見你的fat fat boyfriend會那麼討厭, 那一刻我真的無言。近來工作發生了許多變化,不知不覺可能使你覺得我在變了。看了幾張你給我的魚魚, 知道你曾經那麼愛我,知道如果你心裡依然有感覺, 你是願意和我永遠一起的。我真的希望在你冰冷的外表下依然有對我熱情的感覺。記不記的, 如果兩個人真是愛大家, 最終都會去在一起的。再看看電話你曾經給我的sms:
你要好好休息, 不要傳俾Toffee^^. sit CCIV? 230_430@Y5105 (fatfat boyfriend: 這是我們的開始…) 20 Mar 2007 12:30pm
你知嘛, 真的只差幾秒鐘, 結局可能會改寫。05 Apr 2007 7:33am
 我落車後那幾分鐘內發生的事, 或許你看不見比看見好。可能一切應該結束。05 Apr 2007 7:58am
我會當沒事發生過, 一切還原。我們真的有緣和份的話, 機會會再次出現。幾秒鐘的變化真的可以很大…05 Apr 2007 8:26am
我靠著感覺走了一半路, 你估我會找到嗎?05 Apr 2007 9:06pm (fatfat boyfriend: 現在餘下一半路等我靠著我的感覺找下去, 我會在终點等著你的。)
I’m there, can you find me now? 05 Apr 2007 9:13pm (fatfat boyfriend: I have found you.)
It seems that I’ve found the road I want. 05 Apr 2007 9:22pm (fatfat boyfriend: I hope you can still give me some time)
There! You’ve 7 mins left. 05 Apr 2007 9:34pm (fatfat boyfriend: hope you can wait me for more than 7 mins)
Wrong place 05 Apr 2007 9:36pm (fatfat boyfriend: 離開你的家, 我再一次去返那個公園…)
I can eat it this time. 05 Apr 2007 9:37pm
No. 05 Apr 2007 9:39pm (fatfat boyfriend: I’ve gone to the wrong place again? Will you wait for me in the right place?)
U can come and see whether I’m there. 05 Apr 2007 9:42pm
Almost finish la. 05 Apr 2007 9:53pm
Would you like to invite me for dinner tonight? Mr Lee. 13 Apr 2007 4:54pm
Last 5 minutes. 13 Apr 2007 10:41pm
Time to finish and home, bye my MSN friend. 13 Apr 2007 10:48pm
原來12點還有雞蛋仔的 14 Apr 2007 12:01am
I should pay for you. 14 Apr 2007 12:19am
How much? Pay you though HSBC now. 14 Apr 2007 12:22am
Yes, u’re full, I’m fool. 14 Apr 2007 12:25am
Not angry, just seriously hurt. 14 Apr 2007 12:31am (fatfat boyfriend: I share the same feeling with you now)
Don’t worry, I can still home myself. 14 Apr 2007 12:34am
I’ve dreamed of you…U said no Burger King at least one month…when I had woken up and picked my phone, I received your message. Where am I? 14 Apr 2007 8:18pm (fatfat boyfriend: my Dear, I lost myself in these few months too……hope u understand)
I can’t see u. 14 Apr 2007 8:22pm
I’m afraid that u’ll leave me again and again. 14 Apr 2007 8:24pm (fatfat boyfriend: 記不記得食飯時候,我同你講sorry…因為我知道我要離開你一段時間 >..<)
No consideration. 14 Apr 2007 8:27pm
I’m hungry, slice of bread for whole day only. I want to eat R.N. Can you guess it? 14 Apr 2007 8:35pm (fatfat boyfriend: I know what R.N. means now. I will go to長沙灣 sometimes to eat later too…I feel regret last time 沒有同你在深水涉食豆腐花too…)
^3^ 14 Apr 2007 8:38pm
U should meet me at DH mtr so that we can see earlier 14 Apr 2007 8:44pm
Missing u = 15 Apr 2007 8:34pm
Much better now … Missing u … U can phone me 16 Apr 2007 3:32pm
Dinner with you, phone me as you leave 18 Apr 2007 7:27pm
OK. 24 Apr 2007 3:17pm
Dinner with u? if ho, phone me as you leave. 25 Apr 2007 7:40pm
I’m painful too 8 May 2007 3:08pm
I’m painful too 8 May 2007 3:11pm
I just feel guilty now, I hurt him 8 May 2007 8:32pm
You will be healed too 8 May 2007 8:38pm
Missing u 8 May 2007 8:52pm
No. 8 May 2007 8:53pm
I’m afraid that I can’t control myself if I see u. 8 May 2007 9:01pm
Can’t phone u aq 11 May 2007 5:11pm
你真的要入閘時,有一種很無助,很害怕的感覺,因為在你離開的日子,有太多可以發生的事,我真的怕再沒有機會再見,再拖,再攬著你。13 May 2007 7:39pm (fatfat boyfriend: 現在我都十分之怕再見你不到,很怕很怕..眼淚又不自覺地留, 心像在淌血)
今天是我們認識的第二個月。短短的兩個月卻發生了很多事…每件事的背後都好似話俾我知”我們應該一齊“,感覺很奇妙。今日,想著很多我們的事,有過去、現在和將來:很回味過去發生的事;很重視現在我們的感情;很期待將來一齊的日子。你要好好照顧自己,因為你已經不再是”一個人“。知道嗎? 13 May 2007 11:23pm (fatfat boyfriend: 我知道的。你都不是一個人,我會成長的,當一個你有安全感,可以承擔的男人,雖然你時時話我成三十幾歲人都是細路甘,但我會成長的。)
自從昨晚你收線後,心情都不太好,我又再發作,想著很多“無謂”的事。我剛剛終於知道除了唔想傷害他外,點解我還會選擇同佢一齊,因而令我越來越清楚自己想要的是什麼。我對你仍有一點抗拒,我相信這就是原因點解我不願意做你女朋友,雖然愛的是你。我希望在你回來前,我能說服自己接受和面對一個事實。15 May 2007 12:48am (fatfat boyfriend: 在我回來前,你要好好照顧自己,小心你的手手,食野食定時一點,唔好唔食野,我愛你 ^3^)
今日特別掛住你,無時無刻都想著你。但你卻是一個我不應該掛住的人…我覺得我們又遠了,路太遠太難走了,可能我已經…15 May 2007 9:06pm (fatfat boyfriend: 前兩日同中學同學聚會,有兩個同學結了婚…原來結婚不是一字婚書甘簡單,兩個人要經歷很多,遇過很多困難先可以再一起…條路一個人當然可以行,和我一起走當然很重,因為我是fatfat boyfriend…但我們只要肯走到最後是會有幸福的,只要你願意,在你吻我的時候我感覺到我們是會幸福的。)
Take care of yourself. 16 May 2007 12:23am
聽過你的說話後,對你的信任多了很多。可能我們欠的就是這些溝通…心情好了很多,你好似就在我身邊,感覺很溫暖。每天都期待著明天的來臨,因為我覺得我們會一天比一天親近。我願意等那一天的到來…我相信不遠矣…16 May 2007 11:20pm (fatfat boyfriend: 雖然你說can’t make promise at this moment.但我相信你是願意等那一天的,我都願意等這一天的到來。)
我唔會迫自己唔愛你,就算唔一齊都可以愛。真的唔想再為些無法改為的事而苦惱…你的下一個好快出現…你答應過我,只可以為我傷心30分鐘,你要好好愛惜自己。18 May 2007 6:47pm (fatfat boyfriend: 雖然答應過你,但30分鐘已過,我依然很痛苦。我很後悔,應該要多加愛惜你……………)
你要小心呀!你仲要同我去旅行、去食野、去玩…如果你唔小心,我就唔等你,自己去ga la ^0^  25 May 2007 9:57pm (fatfat boyfriend: 我很想同你去日本函館看夜景,我欠你的埃及之旅請等我,還有去台灣...2010年上海有博覽會我都很想和你去,這兩年大家努力工作,你要努力考好你的試,兩年後我同你去哂所有的地方。我愛你)
I want to change the tour from 29/6 to 1/7 as the price is $200 cheaper (1/7 $2299). If no objection, I’ll sign for changing at 1pm. 4 June 2007 6:28pm (fatfat boyfriend: 我知道我們有機會再去多泰國的)
我想黎陪你,可以嗎? 5 June 2007 10:18pm
Very bad, cgpa 2.7x 6 June 2007 3:42pm
From yr tone, u must get very good results la. 6 June 2007 4:07pm (fatfat boyfriend: not so good actually, but just becoz u are by my side, I feel good)
Can u phone me? 6 June 2007 4:13pm
The tutor is crazy, copy n copy, 20 mins for lunch >< 7 June 2007 2:17pm
On the way home la, decided to buy the biggest one, will buy it next wed as 5% discount, around $950. Aunt is on the way to wong choc han to hand in homework. 14 June 2007 11:38am
好掛住男朋友,但要讀書…*=* 唔制呀 ><~ 15 June 2007 7:57pm (fatfat boyfriend:這時間你要好好專心讀書,考完哂試你的幸福會在你前面等你的,我們要一起成長,為我們的未來努力)
On the way home la 3 23 June 2007 4:45pm
Missing u @.@ 18 July 2007 1:57pm
Study la, go out at 5 3 19 July 2007 2:01pm
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 we’re always be with u…waiting u home 19 July 2007 3:49pm (fatfat boyfriend: 我會努力照顧我的太太,你們兩個要等我返來我們的家)
I’ll home before 7, call me as u back. Miss and love you so much 333 26 July 2007 6:16pm (fatfat boyfriend: I love you so much too, very deep)
Yes better now 29 July 2007 2:47pm
Break now…remember to make medical appointment ar! 333 30 July 2007 10:57am
Miss and love you so much…very full…fried rice & tea…audit now 30 July 2007 2:26pm
Much better la…Miss u…= 30 July 2007 3:17pm
Next station is tin hau… 30 Jul 2007 5:44pm
On the way to tai koo, will home at 7. Miss you much 333 2 August 2007 6:06pm
I’ve bought godiva, 16 pcs, enough? 2 August 2007 6:43pm (fatfat boyfriend: 做野做得悶就記得食朱古力,甜蜜的感覺就會出現)
I can’t print out the name tag as I can’t find the attachment in my a/c. I’ve dropped yr SID in yr locker, help me print it in csc $3 each and phone me as u leave 1 Sept 2007 3:14pm
I’m 17 3 Sept 2007 8:26am
Go home tonight and dinner with fd, see u tomorrow la 333 4 Sept 2007 6:11pm
Be with you, see you then 333 14 Sept 2007 5:47pm
Library…when will u leave? 25 Sept 2007 4:04pm
I’m going to cut hair in sheung wan, I put the moon cake & notes in yr locker, u know what to do la 333 25 Sept 2007 4:44pm
Good morning! Got up? Quite funny lesson now but MC test at 4…add oil for yr exam, dinner with u then 333 18 Oct 2007 9:37am
When are u leave? I’m free now, phone me 333 22 Oct 2007 5:09pm (fatfat boyfriend: 越來越覺得你說得對,我真係有很多野唔好,希望在我改為之前你對我依然有感覺)
Arrived la, call me as u free 333 24 Oct 2007 6:06pm
When do u leave? We can chat by msn. I’ll haircut at 6 in sheung wan 2 Nov 2007 2:30pm
Are u ok, my dear? 21 Nov 2007 1:31pm (fatfat boyfriend: 我知道我們會開花結果的)
Good afternoon, my dear fatfat boy friend 30 Dec 2007 1:21pm (fatfat boyfriend: Good afternoon too, my 靚靚女朋友…將來就算如果我都願意照顧你的)
I’ve read a wonderful statement & want to share with you at once. “If you care enough for a result you will most certainly attain it”2 Jan 2008 11:44pm (fatfat boyfriend: 我們要為我們的將來努力)
On the way to airport, can leave before 7. 4 Feb 2008 12:37pm
新年快到了。玲玲同民峰都叫我同你講:如果想今年平平安安,甘食飯果陣就唔好趙甘耐啦!因為..會飯太碎…XDD 5 Feb 2008 8:38pm
Leave now, needn’t work tomorrow 22 Feb 2008 8:43pm
Ho 22 Feb 2008 8:58pm
No enough lan cable here, I can’t access to internet ><~ 10 Mar 2008 6:45pm
Amost leave la 8 Apr 2008 6:52pm
Still lunch but dessert now, feel much better 333 20 Apr 2008 4:10pm
Dinner with my family in SZ 3333 20 Apr 2008 9:20pm
Very smooth, I think I can finish them on time 22 Apr 2008 11:11am (fatfat boyfriend: 緊忙的工作,沉重的考試,金錢的引誘是會另我忽視了身邊重視的人,迷失了自己)
What about dinner at festival walk? I’ll be there about 6, call me as u’re free 24 Apr 2008 4:50pm
On the plane now, study hard ar. Added value, u can phone me 333 28 Apr 2008 9:28am
Lunch now, miss u so much… 8 May 2008 12:44pm
Meet u? 26 May 2008 5:39pm
Home now 9 June 2008 7:37pm
I left my phone in office ar 17 June 2008 9:42am
Ordered, u? 17 June 2008 1:07pm
On the way to Harbour City. 7 July 2008 10:06am
Keep Burning! 15 June 2008 5:42pm
Is anything alright there? 10 August 2008 9:35pm
Dinner at CityU. 19 Sept 2008 5:58pm
I feel much better, less cough. I planned to move around 10pm. 26 Sept 2008 3:40pm
Not dinner with u, dated fd 27 Sept 2008 5:17pm
I’ll leave at 530 sharp, how about u? but I dated sze around 830 in mk as she feel unhappy. 30 Sept 2008 4:07pm
I’m now in tung chung. Take a nice rest & no beef. 11 Oct 2008 10:35am (fatfat boyfriend: 知道了)
Add oil la 3 Dec 208 4:19pm
Enjoy 4 Dec 2008 4:09pm
I’m home la…phone u later 18 Dec 2008 10:14pm (fatfat boyfriend: 很想聽到你把聲 333)
See when will u leave. 22 Dec 2008 12:21pm
Up to u. I’m now in cityu 22 Dec 2008 12:57pm
Should be late, don’t know when to leave. 29 Dec 2008 5:25pm

I can’t make any promise at this moment. Let’s add oil in 2009! (fatfat boyfriend:看到這裡,眼淚不其然留下來,請給我多一次機會)